Happy Birthday Josie!

Happy Birthday Josie!
60th Birthday Surprise Party, 6.27.2011

Friday, July 30, 2010

Change of Plans

After some deliberation and a thorough conversation with Dr. Ratliff, we have decided to reschedule Mama's appointment at M.D. Anderson for mid-September. She will have a scan on September 2 to determine the results of the stereotactic radiosurgery from last week. Dr. Ratliff said that if the doctors in Houston were to recommend a treatment protocol, they would want her to be at least 4 weeks out from any type of treatment. Also, she really wants to know the results from that procedure before we move on to make further decisions.
Micah, the kids, and I are settling in back at home in Oklahoma. We are glad to be home for a little while. Micah will start classes in mid-August and I will begin homeschooling Ella for kindergarten.
Mama is still experiencing some fatigue and loss of appetite from radiation treatments. Dr. Ratliff said she can expect that for several more weeks. She has also recently tapered off of her steroid medication. The steroid did its job by decreasing the swelling in her brain. It also increased her energy and appetite. Well, now that it's gone, those things have changed as well. I am anxious to be well beyond any treatment for a while so that she can establish some routine with her eating and sleeping. Part of the decision for our family to return to Oklahoma was so that she would have some peace and quiet and that she would take that time for rest. We don't have plans at this time to return to Tennessee before our trip to Houston. That can always change if she needs me.
Sometimes in this situation it is hard to remember that as long as she is able, all of the decisions are hers. We've talked about all of the options together and made our decisions based on what she wants. Right now she needs support and encouragement from everyone. It is a comfort to me, being so far away for now, to know that you are there to help her and support her decisions. Continue in your prayers (wherever you are) for wisdom and complete healing. Thanks.


  1. We love yall so much and we can get to her in 4 hours flat if need be! Im so glad yall are safely home. Thank you for keeping us updated! Praying always,

  2. Amy, I was sitting here thinking about your mom and saw your new posting. I pray for her and pray for strength for each day.
    I have been on the receiving end of his healing hands. I have gained so much of my strength back...she will to.
    Think of you as well, Amy. I know your heart is in two places at once.
    Have fun homeschooling...Molly and I did a lot of fun things. It's hard to believe she is 20 yrs old now. HS was one of the best things we did.
    love kathryn


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