Happy Birthday Josie!

Happy Birthday Josie!
60th Birthday Surprise Party, 6.27.2011

Friday, July 30, 2010

Change of Plans

After some deliberation and a thorough conversation with Dr. Ratliff, we have decided to reschedule Mama's appointment at M.D. Anderson for mid-September. She will have a scan on September 2 to determine the results of the stereotactic radiosurgery from last week. Dr. Ratliff said that if the doctors in Houston were to recommend a treatment protocol, they would want her to be at least 4 weeks out from any type of treatment. Also, she really wants to know the results from that procedure before we move on to make further decisions.
Micah, the kids, and I are settling in back at home in Oklahoma. We are glad to be home for a little while. Micah will start classes in mid-August and I will begin homeschooling Ella for kindergarten.
Mama is still experiencing some fatigue and loss of appetite from radiation treatments. Dr. Ratliff said she can expect that for several more weeks. She has also recently tapered off of her steroid medication. The steroid did its job by decreasing the swelling in her brain. It also increased her energy and appetite. Well, now that it's gone, those things have changed as well. I am anxious to be well beyond any treatment for a while so that she can establish some routine with her eating and sleeping. Part of the decision for our family to return to Oklahoma was so that she would have some peace and quiet and that she would take that time for rest. We don't have plans at this time to return to Tennessee before our trip to Houston. That can always change if she needs me.
Sometimes in this situation it is hard to remember that as long as she is able, all of the decisions are hers. We've talked about all of the options together and made our decisions based on what she wants. Right now she needs support and encouragement from everyone. It is a comfort to me, being so far away for now, to know that you are there to help her and support her decisions. Continue in your prayers (wherever you are) for wisdom and complete healing. Thanks.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Good Report

We held our breaths on Monday waiting to hear the results. What a relief when Dr. Kovalic came in with a smile on his face. We looked at the scan images on his computer old and new images, side by side. The difference was striking even to the untrained eye. He walked us through each diminished tumor, lung to brain, revealing one in the brain that has gone altogether. One down, five to go.
What is next? Stereotactic radiosurgery on Thursday, July 22 in Jackson.

Hopefully, this link will give you some idea about what that means. Very basically, it is a one time, high dose radiation that is beamed directly into each brain tumor. Dr. Kovalic anticipates good results.
We have an appointment in Houston at MD Anderson on Monday, August 2nd. Depending on the results of this next radiation treatment, it is entirely possible that she will not need any further treatment at this time. However, we feel it important to follow through with the Houston visit in order to establish a relationship with doctors there for now and the future. It never hurts to have a second and third opinion.
She continues with diligence in her diet modifications and pursuit of good health through nutrition. The natural healing protocol we are following can be found in the book Cancer Free by Bill Henderson. The book is well outside of mainstream medical thinking, and that seems to be a problem for some people. Although, for the life of me, I don't know why. Another great book along those same lines is Cancer: Step Outside the Box by Ty Bollinger. Honestly, I've been quite surprised by the amount of support we have heard for our "natural healing" efforts. It does take some courage to "step outside the box." Thanks to those of you who have been encouragers on this front.
Micah and I and the kids are planning to return to Oklahoma next week. We are sad to leave, but so excited to be back with our OK family. We will join Mama and Daddy in a few weeks for our trip to Houston. That's as far as the plans go.
Mama has talked a bit about returning to work on a very limited basis, perhaps just on Saturday morning. I think she would enjoy being back in that groove. She is still experiencing some fatigue and having a bit of trouble remembering tiny details, but nothing dramatic. I know she would say that she dreads us leaving, but I think the restful time will be good for her. Take my word for it, the Smiths can generate a lot of chaos, laundry, dishes, etc. I know she loves us, but we need to go home for everyone's sake. At least for now.
Pray for safe travels, successful procedures and, as always, complete healing.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Prayers Upcoming

On Monday, July 12, Mama will have a scan of her brain to determine the effectiveness of this course of radiation therapy. Please pray that the results are overwhelmingly good. Balancing the stresses of life in general and the strain of such a serious illness waxes and wanes in its difficulty from day to day. As Micah and I consider the necessity of returning home to Oklahoma, I am plagued with guilt. More can be determined after Monday's scan, as we will know the results by the afternoon.
How thankful we are to the Brown family for last Friday night's festivities!! What an amazing show of compassion, generosity, and support by this community.
I will update as soon as possible when we hear the results. Please continue in your prayers for complete healing.