The thing about a journey that starts with a crisis is creating the "new normal." That is what we are trying to do. I know it has been a good while since the last post which is mostly due to the fact that my parents don't have internet service. I checked into satellite internet, but it is quite expensive and requires a 2 year contract. I am just not willing to get Mama and Daddy involved in that. We'll just hold out for AT&T to extend their DSL service another half-mile.
Most everyone know that Mama's PET scan showed no other cancers outside the ones we already knew about. Just to review: she has a common cancer, adenocarcinoma. There is one three centimeter tumor in the upper lobe of her right lung which currently is not giving her any symptoms. She has five brain metastases. Anytime cancer goes to your brain you've got a bad situation on your hands, obviously you don't have to be doctor to know that. However, her symptoms are dramatically improved since we arrived on May 7, and she is even further improved since coming home from the hospital on May 21. We are still communicating with MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston in an effort to get her an appointment with a doctor there. We do not yet have that appointment. It is a process of sending records, scans, waiting for insurance. We also must wait to finish the radiation treatments that are ongoing in Jackson. She has the final two brain radiation treatments this coming week and has eleven more on her lung. As I have written before, it will be about four weeks from the end of the brain radiation before she will be scanned to determine the effectiveness of the radiation on her tumors.
We met yesterday with a medical oncologist, Dr. Ratliff, in Memphis at the UT Cancer Center. Many thanks to our dear friend Linda Clayton for setting all that up and treating us to a fun day out. Dr. Kovalic in Jackson is a radiation oncologist, and Dr. Ratliff in Memphis is a medical oncologist. The former administers radiation treatments and the latter will manage any chemotherapy treatments if needed. Dr. Ratliff is very comfortable with what we are doing now and saw no need to begin any chemo right away. Our hope is to be able to coordinate any recommendations made in Houston with Dr. Ratliff so that treatments, if any, can be administered in Memphis.
On a different page entirely, I have spent a great deal of time researching alternative treatments. My bank statement will be riddled with charges for books on all manner of ways to heal your body with non-toxic treatments, nutrition, supplements, etc. Some of you may think it crazy and a waste of time and you are certainly entitled to that opinion. But before you judge me and think that I am going to refuse the advice of a doctor because I can heal my Mama with broccoli, just hear me out...
I believe that the Lord designed our bodies to heal. I believe that there are individuals who have cured their diseases using only food. I believe that the pharmaceutical industry is an outright racket. I believe that if we called 90 percent of what is on grocery store shelves by its real name, you'd never buy it much less put it in your mouth. Let's just say I have a great deal to say similar to that, but you are reading this to find out about my Mama and not my politics. Anyway, we (together) have decided to restrict her diet and incorporate some natural supplements. She is off meat, dairy, gluten, sugar and all processed foods. Difficult, not crazy and certainly not impossible. She has always preferred to eat healthy foods. She has never been in love with meat and the cancer has robbed her of an appetite for sweets, so I'd say we're all set. If you have any good vegan recipes you'd like to share, by all means, send them on!
Her outlook is great. She is holding tight to her faith and the power of prayer. You all have surrounded her with so much support with your cards, gifts, food, calls, and prayers. She is so very thankful.
Please continue to pray for us that the Lord would grant wisdom and complete healing.